We consistently preach the Great Lakes Good Life as an exploration of your own backyard. Our region is filled with so much to do and so many people to meet. In many cases you don’t have to travel very far to experience something new, a new shop, a great restaurant, a new fishing hole or a new friend. Our frequent visits to the Twin Cities always kept us busy but there was always a beacon on the map, one town that we knew required a proper visit and seemed so close, yet so far… Faribault, Minnesota.
Even our friends in MPLS made Faribault seem like it was a a million miles away, but we are here to tell you that it absolutely is not. As we departed MPLS we were prepared for a full blown road trip, the snacks, the playlist – all set up in advance. As the skyline dipped out of site in the rearview, we settled in for the long haul. We were surprised though when, three John Prine songs in, the first sign for Faribault entered view. In total, it was a 50 minute drive, hardly a ‘long haul.’ In a time where the travel accommodations and restrictions are ever changing, Faribault is the perfect trip for anyone looking to experience something new, even if for a day trip. Plenty of space to explore, walk, eat and drink. We entered the Faribault city limits before we could finish our curds and around every corner of the downtown area was something new to explore, but more importantly stories to be heard.
Faribualt has the quintessential small town charm which may be the reason it has been utilized in movie productions like Grumpy Old Men and Mighty Ducks. A historic downtown, restaurants, shops, bars each with the hospitality you expect in the Midwest. We had 48 hours to soak it all in and soak it in we did. Our time there brought us to businesses both new and old but all with deep roots and a true love for the town and all its people.

Upon arrival we were in search of a strong cup of joe, but rather than hit the coffeeshop, we were invited to the source. Tucked along First Ave, between the Straight River and Central Ave. was Mighty Fine Coffee, inside was Nate Cunningham setting up for the day to begin roasting coffee. A proud Army veteran whose time in the service as an intelligence officer introduced him to people and cultures around the world all of which had a common denominator amongst them – a love and need for coffee. To Nate, coffee is a way to connect communities, to teach and to learn through conversation, recipes and cultural experiences. He and his business partner Jordan Brennan have brought their collective experiences in the industry back home to Faribault. With a grand opening on September 26, Mighty Fine Coffee plans to provide those same experiences to the community. While not currently a coffeeshop there is a good chance if you are in the area, the coffee you are sipping was roasted at Mighty Fine.
Take some time to check out their website, plan a trip to take part in one of their classes, take in more than a cup of coffee – but the lessons and camaraderie that Nate, Jordan and Mighty Fine provide. Now, if you are feigning for a proper cup of Joe then be sure to check out their online shop. Order a bag for yourself or for the soldiers across the world. One sip and you’re bound to say “that’s a mighty fine coffee.”
10,000 Drops Distillery

That early afternoon brought us to 10,000 Drops for a chance to get a first hand look at the cocktail lounge and the distillery itself. Walking in we were greeted by the company pup who promptly sat up from his resting spot for a good petting and a scratch behind the ears as we marveled at the sky high ceilings of the tasting room where we met the team. It was another day in the office for Jake Hvestendahl, Rob Kruchoski and Patrick Jacobs, three friends and owners of the distillery. Now we could go on and on about the quality of the sprits themselves and we could really go on the list of stories and places that Jake has seen but the building, the sprits and the stories are something you have to experience for yourself.
10000 Drops has a full selection for you to choose from when it comes to their spirits. Whiskey, gin, bourbon, rum – the choice is yours and the cocktails on the menu were crisp and cool. The massive cocktail room is inviting, with space to relax with a group of friends and enjoy a cocktail or 5. We took down the Naked Mule (pictured above) and 2 Gin Fitzgeralds… and a “Rum Forrest, Rum”.. and a, you know what, not important – we had fun. These award winning craft spirits are as friendly as the guys behind the brand who brought together various skills, life experiences and passion to one of Minnesota’s premier distilleries, ready for you in downtown Faribault.
Faribault Woolen Mill

There was nothing more awe-inspiring than the tour of the Faribault Woolen Mill. The history, the machinery, the people, the quality and the process is beyond anything we imagined. With the average age of machinery in the mill being between 80-100 years old, the blankets you purchase today are of the same quality and process enjoyed by generations of Midwesterners. That quality is due to the 70 + workers that clock in each day, producing world class woolen goods with pride and purpose. This stop alone is worth the trip, for us it captures the story of many towns in the Midwest, while Faribault has weathered many storms it has risen from the ashes to become one of two mills of its kind left in the USA.
The 22 step process from raw wool to final product is all done in one building and the tour allows you to witness nearly all of them. In a digital age, it’s important to understand the power of a manual process, the attention to detail and the quality that human hands can produce. We left here in awe of not just the scale, but of the people who clock in each day many whom have been for 20+ years – proud of the work they do. That pride is seen (and felt) in every Faribault blanket, scarf or throw. These are your cliff notes on this American institution, as we will dive deeper in another feature. For now, visit their website, purchase, follow and experience Faribault Woolen Mill.
Shattuck-St. Mary’s School

We couldn’t stop in Faribault without driving through the campus of Shattuck-St.Mary’s, or for you movie buffs/millennials – Eden Hall Academy where Charlie Conway and his fellow Mighty Ducks took down the Varsity Warriors to stake their claim and garner the respect they deserve. While at the same time, changing the course of the entire institution when the annual JV/Varsity scrimmage ended with the school adopting the Duck as the new mascot. It is also fun to imagine a young Marlon Brando (this is a true story) attempting to escape from the grounds to hit the town following an act of insubordination (during the time the school was a military academy) that subsequently got him expelled. These are just two stories that echo in the wide open spaces of this campus.
Of course, present day – it is a beautiful, expansive campus. We took the time to explore on foot using the large green space in front of the school to stretch them legs. A quick jog through the campus had us waving at families and taking in this historical place. Worth a stop, but no sign of Gordon Bombay.
These were just a few of the stops made in our time in Faribault but there is oh so much more to explore. Whether it is grabbing a beer at Our Place on 3rd or a burger at The Signature Bar and Grill or better yet international cuisine at the Banadir Restaurant, there are options for everyone. You can burn calories at the number of parks and trails that surround the area or simply explore the rivers weaving in and out of town.
This expansive, beautiful, historic, diverse and friendly community is only a short drive from the Twin Cities. We implore you to get out of your normal routine, take a break from the usual spots and…